
Hi Perth Parents
I'm on a little break from photography sessions and will be back in the new year with some big changes and some opportunities for heavily discounted portfolio-building sessions. Please follow me on social media or complete an enquiry form below for updates.
Take care!

Newborn Baby Photography – In Home

Colourful image featuring sleepy newborn boy wrapped in yellow.

Booking your newborn baby session months in advance is a great idea for organised parents. Sometimes though, you may not even realise how much you want to have a session until your little bundle is earth-side. Our little ones exist in a state of constant development. It often feels like they’re changing before our eyes from one day to the next. A newborn baby photography session is one small way to keep a tiny part of their littleness forever.

Asleep baby boy in blue at his in home session

Little Aurelius was already a few days old when his mama reached out for a photo session. I wasn’t able to fit them in within the usual two weeks. This timeframe is recommended as it’s when newborns tend to be at their sleepiest and squishiest. This is usually ideal for posing and getting to sleep for photos. We booked in for the following week and focused on getting lots of wrapped photos and family photos. I always include photos with parents and siblings with my newborn sessions- I know one day those are going to be the your little one’s favourites.

Aurelius took a little while to settle, but eventually, snuggled up in a cosy wrap, he nodded off and we managed to make a little bit of time-freezing magic. This little guy had such an amazing head of thick hair- I almost didn’t want to put a bonnet on him.

Mother and baby relaxing at newborn baby photoshoot

Aurelius had his session in home- super convenient for his family. I do continue to offer in home sessions a couple of times a month. For in home sessions, we keep baby wrapped for all the photos and I use a few different colours and props, as well as a digital composite or two to add some variety and keep things interesting. Because I’ll keep your newborn baby wrapped for the whole session, they don’t take as long. We can sometimes finish within 45 minutes and they don’t last more than two hours. These are also a good option for older newborns who are beyond the “sleepy” phase, but still love being snuggled up in a wrap for naptime.

Thinking about a wrapped newborn baby photography session for your little one? I’d love to hear from you. Just complete my enquiry form and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Want to see another wrapped session?

Here’s an outdoor one with another sweet little boy.

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